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Behaviour Tutorials
Getting Started
Useful links
Pack leader or Pawrent?
Kids & Dogs
Managing family dynamics
Methods and Equipment
Learning Theory (11:33)
Training tools (7:30)
The Good Stuff (3:47)
Puppy Basics (33:34)
No Pull Harness and double ended lead (5:35)
Dog leads (9:47)
Trigger Stacking, Flooding & Desensitising (2:16)
Markers (2:23)
Pairing the Clicker and Shaping Behaviour (13:53)
Recall Made Fun (7:21)
The Hand Touch (3:18)
Muzzles (9:44)
Teaching your Dog to drop a toy (17:35)
The importance of play (9:12)
Uneven surfaces clicker training (4:02)
Sound therapy (6:45)
Enrichment Activities (7:33)
EXCLUSIVE trick training - breaking it down (3:37)
Loose lead walking (13:39)
The practical
What Motivates your Dog (5:05)
Luring & Hand Signals (8:21)
Learning Through Play (2:18)
Behaviour modification expectations (6:46)
Breaking down focus exercises (10:34)
Separation Anxiety (8:05)
Preparing your dog before going out (23:34)
Power up tricks (23:35)
High to Low arousal - Emotional regulation (12:12)
Core Foundations and Engagement (28:25)
Handling and Grooming your dog
Behaviourist meets Groomer- How its all linked (43:22)
Handling desensitisation - Bear (9:23)
Separation anxiety
Foundations with Luna (4:52)
Baileys Separation Anxiety (2:40)
Lexi's separation anxiety (3:51)
Elisa's FOMO (12:02)
Eddies Separation anxiety
Why is my dog reactive
Clicker training with reactivity (6:51)
Dog greetings- Street dogs and natural interactions (6:30)
Reconditioning Zeus- Previously attacked by dog (6:14)
Bailey's lead reactivity session 1- Previously attacked by dog (4:33)
Oscar's fear of vehicles (1:42)
Oscar vs Stretch of Road- Tiny dog, big world (4:27)
Meg's Lead reactivity (5:10)
Kilo's Lead reactivity- Over excitement (4:05)
Predatory reactivity- Stalking-catching-killing (7:56)
Changing perceptions with Lenny (4:53)
Motivating Betty (4:55)
Max (14:11)
Preparing Ruby (6:42)
Benji (4:25)
Rockstar Macey (11:41)
Ridgeback Reggie (9:47)
Remi's Fallout (17:08)
Spock (3:48)
Milo the frenchie (7:32)
Zapa dog & human reactivity (9:28)
Blaze Reactivity (14:06)
Fears & Phobias
Rewiring The Fear Response (5:39)
Clicker conditioning to wear the lead (13:16)
Shawn (Mauritian rescue) Rewiring The Fear Response - The Practical (6:03)
Luna's fears (Mauritian rescue) (4:41)
Twix and her Phobias (4:31)
Alex-Getting consent (10:28)
Frank (12:36)
Elsie Rewiring the brain (14:17)
Signs of stress (11:36)
Billy's body language lesson (2:12)
Bono's body language lesson- Stress response (4:42)
Boris (11:52)
Over excitement & Settling down
Phoebe's Door Manners (2:04)
Benson learning to settle (3:31)
Ci's Counter surfing (6:11)
Buddy's hyperactivity and anxiety (4:52)
Taming Diesel (8:22)
Ivy & Koda (4:16)
Freddy (5:06)
Hyper Oscar (10:17)
Perfectly pawsome Otis session (8:19)
Bouncing Ivy - Full session
River (11:27)
Explosion of Zola (20:56)
Dolly's fixation - Learning to disengage (9:02)
Loose lead walking
Buddy's Loose lead session (1:37)
Foundations with Milo (4:48)
Scared of vehicles (11:45)
Resource Guarding
What is resource Guarding
Resource Guarding - Luna (10:08)
Board and Train
Milo's training (14:35)
Luna pebbles training (12:39)
Luna Mauritius (16:45)
Reactive pack walk (3:19)
Overcoming Flora's Phobias (21:11)
Scary world- Twix's perspective (11:36)
Reassuring Pooki (23:30)
Settling Koda (8:27)
Elisa takes on the world (21:46)
Bingo (3:19)
Suki (15:33)
Alex Board & Train (11:08)
Zephyr's Board and Train (12:04)
Perfectly pawsome Otis (79:58)
Tanners life skills (18:53)
Zephie's social interactions (7:04)
Activating the recall
Activate your recall (4:53)
Social skills
Bilingual Dogs (2:02)
Normal play behaviour (8:38)
Non play communication (0:53)
Dog-Dog communication (24:42)
Activity days
Sky's activity day (7:57)
Fireworks and sound proofing
Bedford Blues fireworks display 2023 (6:49)
Working Dogs
Bruno the Working line Lab (4:10)
Cooper (10:29)
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Useful links
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